It's been a while since I played through Decay (though I certainly played through it quite a bit while we were working on it). A new demo for Half-Life Decay: Solo Mission is out now In this video were gonna take a brief look at it, as well as at the media update that came out with it. When this mod is done I will probably fire it up with a friend of mine that never had the chance to play Half-Life on the PS2. STEP 2: Download the fan made port of Half-Life: Decay (the file name should be decayeng. So it's always been of interest to us to see Decay make it to the PC since, as someone else here has mentioned, it does deliver a part of the Half-Life storyline so it's always been a shame to prevent a large portion of the Half-Life players out there from seeing that part of the story. You must have Half-Life (not Half-Life: Source) installed in your Steam Library and directory. We even had a port of the game ready on HL1 for the PC, but due to powers beyond our control, were unable to release it at the time. Everyone here thinks it would be great to see this ported to Source. First I'd like to say that there is no interest or desire on our part to fox this project. Free downloadable content like Half-Life. Originally posted by Patrick Deupree:I work for Gearbox and did most of the coding for the Decay work we did on the PS2. Download Half-Life: Decay mod for Half-Life for free from the biggest game modification database of Half-Life.